What is Hasura?

The Hasura GraphQL Engine is a blazing-fast GraphQL server that gives you instant, realtime GraphQL APIs over Postgres, with webhook triggers on database events, and remote schemas for business logic.

Hasura helps you build GraphQL apps backed by Postgres or incrementally move to GraphQL for existing applications using Postgres.

The Hasura GraphQL Engine is open-source. You can check out the complete repo here.

Features Hasura comes with a lot of features that help you adopt GraphQL and a 3factor architecture quickly:

  • Make powerful queries: Built-in filtering, pagination, pattern search, bulk insert, update, delete mutations

  • Realtime: Convert any GraphQL query to a live query by using subscriptions

  • Merge remote schemas: Access custom GraphQL schemas for business logic via a single GraphQL Engine endpoint.

  • Trigger webhooks or serverless functions: On Postgres insert/update/delete events

  • Works with existing, live databases: Point it to an existing Postgres database to instantly get a ready-to-use GraphQL API

  • Fine-grained access control: Dynamic access control that integrates with your auth system (eg: auth0, firebase-auth)

  • High-performance & low-footprint: ~15MB docker image; ~50MB RAM @ 1000 req/s; multi-core aware

  • Admin UI & Migrations: Admin UI & Rails-inspired schema migrations

  • Postgres ❤️: Supports Postgres types (PostGIS/geo-location, etc.), turns views to graphs, trigger stored functions or procedures with mutations